Save Money When Paying High Gas Prices

We are all g,etting hit hard by the high prices of gas for our cars and the expense of buying groceries.  Finding ways to save money during this economic slow down is a must.  There are many ways that people can choose to save money but here are a few of my ideas


other savings ideas include:

Buy used items from online auctions or local garage sale for non necessity items. I for one started buying used golf equipment to help save money


Planting a garden – why not grow your own vegetables such as potatoes, corn, tomatoes, beans, lettuce and other items that are getting rather expensive at the local markets. 


Riding a bike instead of driving is an excellent way to cut back on the high costs of gas prices as well as get some much  needed exercise.


Cut coupons – If there was ever a time to save money with coupons and rebates now is definitely it.


Don’t use your air conditioning unless absolutely necessary,  heating and cooling costs have drastically increased right along with the fuel prices for our cars.  Take the time to get used to the warmer weather and avoid the air conditioner at the first sign of hot weather.

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